Friday, August 28, 2015

Avoid Travel Sickness

Here's my first Life Hack...

            Best Place to Sit if You Are...
  • In a Car: Sit in the front passenger seat.
  • On a Boat: Sit up on deck or in the middle of the boat.
  • On a Plane: Sit in a window seat over a wing.

Do get fresh air by opening a window, if you can.
Don't look out the window at  others moving cars if you are traveling in a car. Instead, try to focus on a fixed point on horizon.

Don't read or play games
Do eat or drink ginger or peppermint flavored food or drinks.

Do drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated throughout the journey

That's all for now. Happy Traveling!!!
Source: The Girls' Handbook Buster books

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